Sunday, May 18, 2008

Cutting your losses

Today's parenting tip - Even if you think you can cut your child's hair yourself, don't do it!

Now, when I think of Kennedy getting a haircut, all I think is - scissors...near the face...not a good idea.

Friday, Kennedy was in need of some serious bang trimming. Figuring I most always do it I thought what could it hurt to do it myself?

Well, I will tell you. I got her all positioned, combed the bangs, gripped the scissors and went for the cut. Then Kennedy decided she wanted to look the other way and...glop a big chunk of hair was gone!

I felt so bad for her and she looked so silly. I did my best to fix it but it needs some serious time to grow. For now she is sporting a sweet look. Doug said she looks okay, I miss her little bangs.

So, next time your husband or wife decides to give your child a hair cut remember this and make the drive to Grammy's for a professional cut, it's worth it.

1 comment:

Katie Evans said...

Okay, just for the record, I like Kennedy with the no bangs look. She's just too cute no matter how her hair looks!