Monday, January 25, 2010

Hollie's new sib

This weekend we adopted Abby . The adjustment has been simple thus far except for a few growls from the oldest sister when the newbie gets up close and personal. She is most likely a border collie/terrier mix and aprx 2 yrs old. She does play well with others as we know since we have already exposed her to several friends dogs over the past 2 days. She was a stray that was rescued from a shelter and is somewhat glued to us wherever we are in the house. With her long legs and torso she stands way above Hollie and we

hope she will be a great hiking companion for us:)


Robindiabolik said...

very beautiful blog!!!

Anonymous said...

She is incredibly sweet :)

mursu said...

She is very nice)

Hello, i'm Mila, i'd like to read your blog, if you don't mind)

Lynn_sayang said...

She is very cute.