Monday, January 25, 2010

Our youngest gem

Craig and I spent Friday evening with Trinity and her was great to visit with all:)
At 4 months she is indeed most interactive and such a good girl(she actually fell asleep in Grammy's arms) Laura shared some photos of herself growing up and there was one of her sitting in a high chair and you would think it was Trinity...unbelievable resemblance!!! We now know that Trinity has much of her Mom's genetics, if not more, than Nick's.


L said...

Awe she is such a happy girl

Unknown said...

Olá querida Passei para conhecer o seu blog e desejar sucesso, parabéns pelo blog e pelo bebe, linda....conheça o meu tb que esta começando, o brechó ainda nao postei muita coisa...mas jaja estará com muita coisa bacana.
SErei sua nova seguidora...junte se a mim tb, hihihi...beijokas e fique com Deus