Friday, October 17, 2008

Is it over yet?

Can I tell you this election is driving me crazy and I will be glad when it's over!!

I was discussing this today with Katie and again with a friend of mine and well here is a bit of what she shared.

If I had to put my thoughts into words I wouldn't change one thing she wrote. If you are offended by political views well then don't read this.

The other night I found myself watching the final debate, only because there was nothing else on television, not because I was especially interested. In fact, call it ignorance, call it neglectful as an American citizen, but I have tried purposely to avoid politics on TV altogether for three reasons:

1. They are a great source of contention. And no matter how anyone tries to tell you they're not "trying to start an argument" or "not telling you you're wrong" when they express their points of view, it still pushes my buttons and I feel all kinds of anxiety and frustration when discussing them, or when I listen to others discuss them. I simply prefer to live free of that spirit when I can.

2. I have a hard time trusting politicians. I personally feel that each election year we are presented with two evils, and it is our duty to choose the lesser one. And the candidates just get worse as the years go by. Few politicians are completely honest. I don't think Obama or McCain are perfect candidates, and they're certainly not honest or consistent men. They make promises to win approval, and I'm certain they will never follow through with all of them.

3. Our country is becoming more and more divided. It seems any more that you are very liberal or very conservative, which makes even more room for disagreement, anger and hard feelings.
Initially I was a Mitt Romney fan, because I felt he was the best representative of truth, consistency, faith in God (which is extremely important to me, especially if you're a politician), and patriotism.

When, McCain put Sarah Palin on his ticket. I was appalled and a bit disgusted at first, because I recognized that move as a sign of desperation to compete with the novelty of a first-time black American candidate. Then I did research on her, and I was surprisingly impressed. Her values, her record, her personal life all represented what I felt was important. She is a woman that gets things done, that follows through on her promises, that holds her family sacred, who enjoys hunting and the great outdoors, that sees our country as a source of highly valuable natural resources. Her stance on political issues won me over.

I agree with McCain and Palin's plan for ecological independence. I agree with keeping our troops in Iraq until the war is won, not backing out to appease the popular liberal idea. I am pro-life. I like my guns and I have the right to use them, and McCain supports that. I want our borders protected. I think everyone should have to legally become U.S. citizens before they can enjoy the rights and privileges associated with citizenship. I agree with his desire to reform the current education program before throwing more money into a new one.

And finally, I just feel in my gut that he's the better candidate, the lesser evil, if you will. I shouldn't have to explain that to anyone. When I look at Obama and McCain and everything that they stand for individually, I see John McCain as the better patriot.

I know George Bush hasn't been popular for a while, but I will say one thing about him. He has stuck by his convictions in this war and I am thankful every day that it was him in the White House when our country was attacked. Not Al Gore, whose personal agenda has always been more important to him than that of this country. And I'm grateful John Kerry didn't win in the last elections, because quite frankly, he terrified me.

I don't want Obama to win because he is backed by the media and Hollywood. And the media and Hollywood are liberal - everyone knows this - and contrast highly most, if not all, things I believe in. I do believe he is intelligent, an eloquent speaker, and he handled himself very well in the final debate. But he is inexperienced, his convictions seem shallow to me, and I think the only reason he is where he is now is because he is a novelty.

Now, if you want to argue these points, feel free to do so on your OWN BLOG and let me know about it. Any negative, rude, or argumentative comments left in response to this post will be deleted by the author (that's me). Your blog is a place where you are free to exercise your freedom of speech, NOT my blog.


RussnKelly said...

I agree with you on everything you said Heather - McCain has our vote. Just remember not to get down or worry about what is to come. God is in control and He already knows the outcome. I ONLY put my trust in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We are preparing however, for what may come by putting food, water and supplies aside for ANY catastrophy. We must still be wise and stay in prayer. My prayer is that the USA starts blessing God by doing what is right.

Katie Evans said...

I amen what Dad and Kelly said and I would just add that we each have the patriotic duty to get out there and vote. I don't really care who it is you're voting for (well truthfully I do, but I'm not going to try and push my beliefs on someone else) but I do care that everyone makes their voice heard. By not voting we are handing votes to the opposing party. SO GET OUT THERE AND ROCK THE VOTE!

Unknown said...

Obama all the way-KIDDING!!!