Sunday, July 20, 2008

Cousin's Swim Party Picnic

This last Friday we decided that we were going to take advantage of our beautiful summer afternoons and we planned a fun summer Sister/Cousin's Swim Party Picnic. We enjoyed good company, a fun pool, good lunch, and a relaxing afternoon!

Mom's are always coming up with the best ideas ever and we had a really great one this day. We decided that it would be great fun to get the kids all lined up on the slide in age order and get a really cute picture of them. The slide isn't that slippery, so you can stop yourself before you get down to the bottom and go off the end. So we got all the kids in place and we were waiting on Steven to get into position. He wasn't really feeling this whole great idea of ours, but he was playing along - sort of. Steven was manuvering into place behind Dylan and then all of a sudden Dylan was flying through the air. We're not really sure what happened, but we think that it had something to do with "Brotherly Love". It really was hillarious.

We followed up our swimming with a great picnic lunch and then a little more swimming. We were glad to have Emily (x2) and Elsie there with us too! I'm betting all the little kids went home and straight to bed. We played hard!

We hope you're all having as fun a summer as we are!

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