Monday, July 28, 2008

This weekend while Kennedy and her cousin Addie were playing together Addie decided they should trade sandals. Addie's sandals were a bit big on her and she wanted to wear Kennedy's which were a bit small on her. They traded and it so happened Addie's sandals fit Kennedy better and vice-versa. Kobie and I laughed at how funny it was that Kennedy had such big feet and Addie's were so much smaller. Doug and I thought it would be a good idea to buy Kennedy a pair shoes that fit her feet. On the way he told Kennedy she had ski's for feet. Kennedy thought it was great, she had no idea what he meant.Well, were were in a hurry and decided to stop at Wal-Mart. They had nothing!! It was slim pickins. I happened to find one pair of flip flops that were semi decent and decided for a few bucks they were fine. We headed out and on the way Kennedy spotted some Barbie shoes. Holy smokes they were hideous!! She wanted them so bad. I being a sucker let her have them. When Doug saw them he about died. I laugh because who cares, they are hideous but she loves them. When I woke up this morning and saw them I laughed, they are ugly!!


Unknown said...

Yeah, those are pretty hideous!! What we do for the love of our children.

Katie Evans said...

Boy, you weren't joking. You better get lots of pictures of those on her feet for blackmail purposes when she gets older. I guarantee she won't be loving them so much when she gets older.