Thursday, August 21, 2008

Kennedy goes to preschool, what!!

I was hesitant to add this to the blog since its seems I do quite a bit of the postings. But, after several askers I am posting Kennedy's first day of preschool. Doesn't she look cute? It made me sad how grown up she is getting, it's not right. She wanted to take Paige to school with her so I let Paige come along for the ride but had to explain that dogs cant go to preschool. I thought she would cry but as soon as she saw the other kids lined up she looked at me and said "bye mom" and off she went.
Today was another story. This was the second day and she didn't exactly want to go. She told me she wanted to go to lunch with her dad. I told her if she was good when she was done I would call dad and see if he could go. I don't think it helped too much she still was crying when I left. But she has such a kind teacher, I don't worry. She will be fine. It was also show and tell today, she wanted to bring her "man movie" (Toy Story).


Diane said...

No way our darling little grandbaby is going to school:( It seems as if she was just time flies. It will be good for Kennedy(and Paige).

RussnKelly said...

She looks so cute!! Can't believe she is going to school. At church yesterday we prayed for all the kids going back to school - it was really neat - Grandma and Grandpa both had tears!!